Recent Developments in Space Suits Textiles Using Smart Materials

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Research Centre (NRC, Scopus affiliation ID 60014618), Textile Research Technology Institute (TRTI), Pre-treatment and Finishing of Cellulose based Textiles Department (PFCFD), El-Behouth St. (Former El-Tahrir str.), Dokki,

2 Department of Chemistry - College of Pharmacy, International University of Africa, Khartoum, Sudan

3 National Research Centre (NRC), Textile Research and Technology Institute (TRTI), Dyeing, Printing, and In-termediate Material (DPIMD), El-Behouth St. (former El-Tahrir str.), Dokki, P.O. 12622, Giza, Egypt


This paper aims to provide an introduction to smart materials, with an emphasis on the different types of smart materials including Piezoelectric Materials, Shape memory alloys, Electrostrictive Materials, Magnetostrictive Materials, Chromic Materials, Shape-changing materials and Magnetorheological Flu-ids and Electrorheological Fluids. applications of smart materials according to the different application areas. after that this paper considers the use of smart materials to produce smart textile and its applica-tions. In Technical Textiles, the space suit is considered one of the most important applications of smart textile. The purpose of a space suit is to keep a person alive and comfortable in the harsh environment of space. It is a complicated system of clothing, equipment, and environmental systems. the definition of space suit and focusing on their types and properties was mentioned in addition of the use of advanced fabrics in the manufacture of the space suit and the developments that occurred to it using modern and advanced technology.
